Fundraiser benefits Don D. Jordan Scholarship, Susan G. Komen
More than 400 CenterPoint Energy employees, family members, guests and sponsors recently enjoyed a fun-filled weekend at the 24th annual Salty Dog Fishing Tournament in Aransas Pass, Texas, while raising funds for two worthwhile nonprofit organizations.
Each year, the tournament raises money for CenterPoint Energy's Don D. Jordan Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships to active and retired employees' children who maintain a strong commitment to community involvement. This year marked the 14th consecutive year that the Salty Dog tournament has contributed to the scholarship fund.
"The Salty Dog tournament continues to be a premiere event for our employees and sponsors to raise money for the scholarship fund," said Steve Greenley, Senior Vice president of Gas Operations and executive co-chair for the event. "The tournament continues to grow each year, both in size and in fun, and we provide a top-notch event to help deserving students reach their academic goals."
The Salty Dog tournament activities kept attendees entertained, beginning with dinner on Friday evening. Fishing started bright and early the next morning, with a weigh-in held in the afternoon. Nearly 350 fishing participants caught 513 pounds of trout, red fish and more, making the event a huge success. Festivities wrapped up with dinner, a silent auction, a raffle and an awards ceremony.
The silent auction's proceeds of approximately $4,290 benefited the Susan G. Komen organization, which works to save lives by meeting the most critical needs in communities and investing in breakthrough research to prevent and cure breast cancer.
Co-executive sponsors Steve Greenley and Randy Pryor, along with Ron Chaney, tournament chair, extend their deepest thanks to all the sponsors, participants and volunteers for their invaluable support!